Creature for the day and tornado warnings

It’s been almost a month since I’ve done my daily doodles. My reason for doing them was so I’d draw everyday. I have been drawing. A lot. Just not doodles. So I guess my plan has worked. But I discovered I missed my morning creatures. I never know who will show up when I sit down.

I had done the doodle for yesterday and was all set to scan it and upload it after dinner. But, it’s spring. In Missouri. The weather has been strange to say the least.

Last night, after dinner, we were under a tornado warning. And a hail warning. So instead of watching NCIS, I watched the weather wizards impart their tornado tracking wisdom. There was a touch down about 15 miles north of us and another about 10 miles southwest. So when the sirens in town went off, I herded the cat and the child into the basement and waited for the all clear signal. As is usual in these instances, the twisters went around us off to the east. Still, with all the recent incidents of touch down and damage in neighboring towns, better safe than sorry.

Anyway, by the time the winds blew by, the thunder storms came in. I may be a worry wart, but I like to have all my computer equipment powered down during such weather. So no scanning and no post.

Yesterday the temp was in the high 80s. Today we’ll be lucky to reach the high 50s. So it goes. At least it’s never dull!