Penguins bring home the tree – coloring page

penguins by Wendy Martin copyright 2011 It’s been a hectic few weeks for me. I did get my house decorated on the rare sunny day last week. It felt good. The penguins for you to color are heading home with their fresh tree.

Click the image to open a .jpg to print and color. Email your colored image (less than 1mb) to coloringpage (at) handcraftedpagan (dot) com and I’ll post it to my blog!

It seems that all these things I want to be involved in and do all have the same time frame for their deadlines. So, even though I am working non-stop to catch up, I feel as if I am not getting much done.

Maybe my lists are too long and I need to prioritize better.

I did manage to come up with my 30 ideas for Picture Book Idea Month. A huge shout out thank you for Tara Lazar, the organizer and head honcho! Take a visit over to her blog for all things picture book if you haven’t seen it already. Now that I have a pile of picture book ideas, I signed up for 12X12. Another challenge to come up with 12 finished picture book drafts in 2012. That would be one a month. A lot more than my usual one every five years. I feel a need for speed.

Speaking of challenges. Last December I signed up for the Of the Shelf book reading contest. I am 3/4 of the way through my LAST entry to meet that challenge. It’s tough going though. The book is non-fiction and written much like a masters thesis. I can only read a few pages at a sitting before my brain cries uncle and I have to move on to other activities. I will do this though. I’m just THAT close. It’s a matter of personal pride now.

The Picture Book Month initiative went viral just after the half way point in November after an entry on the Oprah blog, Life Lift. Now, the other founders and I have the year long behind the scenes work to make it even better and bigger for nest year.

The winter holidays are fast approaching, and with it many people are examining goals and wishes for 2012. What are yours? I think mine should be NOT to sign up for any more challenges!

Sign up to receive alerts when a new coloring page is posted each week and/or click here to view more coloring pages!

Enjoy the coloring page! See you next week!

Do you have a special request for a coloring page? Let me know either via an email or through one of my social networking sites. I’m on Twitter and Facebook.

I send out coloring pages to let people know about me, my art and my children’s books. Help support my efforts by spreading the word or buying any of my books. Please stop by any of my social networking sites to leave me a message (here is good too!) and let me know how you like the coloring pages. Remember, I provide these pages free of charge for your own personal use. Do not reproduce them or use them for any other purpose without my written permission.