Weekly Picture Book reads 10/12/12

Top picks:

Because Amelia Smiled – a nice story with fun art they comes full circle back to Amelia and her smile.

Tell Me About Your Day Today – the story was rather simplistic in the text, but the art made up for it by having many layers in the story telling via illustration.

The Firekeeper’s Son – I like this one because of the multicultural aspect of the Korean myth/historic retelling of the story. Nicely done art that matches the story.

Goldilocks and Just One Bear – taking the three bears tale into the future after Goldi and the baby bear have grown up. I found it a bit forced at the ending.

No! – story about a troublesome dog who thinks his name is no because his people keep saying it. Didn’t do anything for me one way or the other.

Can I Bring Wooly to the Library, Ms. Reeder? – Cute concept that stopped being funny about halfway through the book. I liked the silliness of the illustrations.

The Best Book to Read – Children visit the local library and all go home with the best book for each.

The Wide-Awake Princess – An older book. I liked the story, the art looked amateurish and the ending fell flat.

The Jungle Baseball Game – An older book. I picked this one up since it has a similar theme to a WIP to see how the art was handled. Fun story, good for boys. Art is humorous as well.

Blueberries for the Queen – historical fiction. A straight forward story with illustrations that follow their own story line based on the main character’s imagination.